
Showing posts from July, 2020


Biological source: Kaladana (Celastrus paniculatus) is a climbing shrub that is commonly found in tropical and sub-tropical regions of India. It can grow up to 15 meters in height. The plant has greenish-yellow flowers and small, red or orange berries. Family: Celastraceae, also known as the Staff vine family. This family of flowering plants contains around 150 species and is known for producing woody climbers and shrubs. Chemical constituents: Alkaloids: The plant is known to contain several alkaloids, including celastrine, paniculatine, and celapanine. These compounds are believed to have a range of medicinal properties, including anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer and anti-depressant effects. Flavonoids: The plant is also rich in flavonoids, which are a group of compounds known for their antioxidant properties. Lignans: Lignans are a group of compounds that also found in the plant, Lignans have been found to have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties. Traditional u


  Biological source: Kantakari (Solanum xanthocarpum) is a medicinal plant that is native to India. It is a thorny shrub that can grow up to 2 meters in height. The plant has yellow flowers and small, green or yellow berries. Family : Solanaceae, also known as the Nightshade family. This family of flowering plants contains around 90 genera and 2,700 species. The family is known for producing a wide variety of medicinal and edible plants, including tomatoes, peppers, and eggplants. Chemical constituents: Alkaloids: Kantakari contains alkaloids like solasonine and solamargine which are believed to have medicinal properties. Steroids: The plant contains steroidal compounds such as solasoninine and solasonine, which have anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer effects. Triterpenoids: The plant is also rich in triterpenoids, which are compounds known for their anti-inflammatory properties. Traditional uses: Used as a treatment for respiratory disorders: The plant has traditionally been used to tr


 Biological source: Kurchi (Holarrhena antidysenterica) is a medicinal plant that is native to India and other parts of South Asia. It is a small to medium-sized tree that can grow up to 20 meters in height. The plant has small, white or yellow flowers and large, fleshy fruit. Family: Apocynaceae, also known as the Dogbane family. This family of flowering plants contains around 400 species and is known for producing a wide variety of medicinal plants. Chemical constituents: Alkaloids: Kurchi contains alkaloids like holarrhenine, holacathinine, and conessine which are believed to have medicinal properties. Triterpenoids: The plant contains triterpenoids, which are compounds known for their anti-inflammatory properties. Flavonoids: The plant is also rich in flavonoids, which are a group of compounds known for their antioxidant properties. Traditional uses: Used as a treatment for diarrhea and dysentery: The plant has traditionally been used as a treatment for diarrhea and dysentery, due

Lemon Grass oil

Biological source: Lemon grass oil is an essential oil derived from the leaves and stalks of the lemon grass plant (Cymbopogon citratus). The plant is a tropical grass native to Asia, and is widely cultivated for its fragrant leaves, which are used in cooking and as a source of essential oil. Family: Poaceae, also known as the grass family. This family is one of the largest and most widespread families of flowering plants, and includes a wide variety of grasses, cereals, and bamboo. Geographical source: Lemon grass oil is primarily sourced from India, Sri Lanka, and other parts of South Asia, where the plant is widely cultivated. It can also be found in other parts of Asia, Africa, and South America. Cultivation, Collection, and Preparation: Cultivation: Lemon grass is a tropical plant that prefers warm, humid conditions and rich, well-drained soil. It is propagated from cuttings or from seed. Collection: The leaves and stalks of the plant are harvested by cutting the plant at the base

Karaya Gum

 Biological source: Karaya gum, also known as Sterculia gum, is a natural gum that is obtained from the stem and branches of the Karaya tree (Sterculia urens). The tree is native to India and other parts of South Asia, and typically grows in dry, hilly regions. Family: Sterculiaceae, also known as the Sterculia family. This family of flowering plants contains around 40 genera and around 225 species, and is known for producing a wide variety of medicinal and edible plants, including cacao and cola. Geographical source: Karaya gum is primarily sourced from India and other parts of South Asia, where the Karaya tree (Sterculia urens) is native. It can also be found in other parts of Asia, as well as in Africa and South America. Cultivation, Collection, and Preparation: Cultivation: Karaya trees are typically grown in dry, hilly regions. They are drought-resistant and can grow in poor soil conditions. Collection: The gum is collected by making incisions in the trunk and branches of the tree

Lemon Peel

  Biological source: Lemon peel, also known as Citrus limon, is the outer protective layer of the lemon fruit. It is a brightly colored, fragrant peel that is rich in essential oils and other beneficial compounds. Family : Rutaceae, also known as the Rue family. This family of flowering plants contains around 150 genera and around 1,400 species, and is known for producing a wide variety of medicinal and edible plants, including oranges, limes, and grapefruits. Chemical constituents: Vitamin C: Lemon peel contains high amounts of Vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant that can help to boost the immune system and protect against infections. Limonene: Lemon peel is a rich source of limonene, which is a compound found in the essential oils of citrus fruits. Limonene has been found to have anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties. Flavonoids: Lemon peel is also rich in flavonoids, which are a group of compounds known for their antioxidant properties. Citric acid: Lemon peel contains a high

Indian Tobacco

Indian Tobacco Biological source Indian tobacco, also known as Lobelia inflata, is a herbaceous annual plant in the family Campanulaceae. It is native to North America and is traditionally used as a medicinal plant. The leaves and seeds of the plant are used medicinally. Geographical source Indian tobacco is native to North America, specifically found in the United States and Canada. It is a herbaceous annual plant that can grow up to 2 meters in height. The leaves are green, elongated and lanceolate, and the flowers are blue or purple. Cultivation, Collection and Preparation Cultivation: Indian tobacco is a hardy annual plant that can be grown in a variety of soils, but prefers well-drained soils with a pH between 6 and 7. It is typically propagated by seed and can be grown in full sun or partial shade. Collection: The leaves and seeds are collected during the summer and fall when the plant is in full bloom. Preparation: The collected leaves and seeds are dried, and then t


 Biological source: Lanolin is a wax derived from the wool of sheep. It is a natural by-product of the sheep-shearing process and is obtained by a process called "scouring" the wool. lanolin is a wax and it is not consumed, it does not have any specific color, odor or taste. It is commonly used in cosmetics, personal care and pharmaceutical industry as a lubricant, moisturizer and excipient. Geographical source: Lanolin is produced in many countries around the world, including Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, and the United States. Cultivation, Collection and Preparation: Collection: Lanolin is obtained from sheep wool, which is collected during the shearing process. Preparation: The collected wool is cleaned in a process called "scouring" where it is washed and treated with chemicals to remove impurities. The cleaned wool is then treated with anhydrous ethanol to extract the lanolin. The lanolin is then purified, refined, and blended to produce a final product

Ipecacuanha root

Biological source: Ipecacuanha is a plant species in the family Rubiaceae, specifically the species Carapichea ipecacuanha. The plant is native to Brazil, and is traditionally used as a medicinal plant. The root of the plant is used medicinally. Ipecacuanha root does not have any specific color, odor or taste as it is used in its powdered form. The powder is light brown in color, has no odor and a slightly bitter taste. Geographical source: Ipecacuanha is native to Brazil, specifically found in the states of Minas Gerais, Bahia, and Goiás. Cultivation, Collection and Preparation: Cultivation: Ipecacuanha is a hardy perennial plant that can be grown in a variety of soils, but prefers well-drained soils with a pH between 5.5 and 6.5. It can be propagated from seed or by dividing the rootstock. Collection: The roots of the plant are harvested after 2-3 years of growth. The roots are usually collected during the dry season, when the plant is dormant. Preparation: The roots are dried and th


Synonyms Indian tobacco, Wild tobacco Ben. – Bantamaku, Badanal; Guj. – Nali; Mai. – Kattupukaila; Mar. – Devnala; San. – Bibhishana. BS Lobelia consists of dried aerial parts of Lobelia nicotianaefolia Heyne. It contains not less than 0.55% of total alkaloids calculated as Lobeline. Family Lobeliaceae CC 1. Alkaloids in given below Lobeline Lobelidine Lobelanine Lobelanidine Isolobenine 2. It also contains pungent volatile oil, resin, gum and fixed oil. Uses spasmodic asthma chronic bronchitis. The physiological action is similar to that of nicotine. In case of resuscitation (Restoration to life of one apparently dead). It is use in respiratory stimulant.

Indian Senna

Senna Synonyms Senna lead, senna folium , Cassia senna BS Dried leaflets of Cassia senna (Cassia acutifolia) also known commercially as Alexandrian senna or khartoum senna and Cassia angustifolia, which is commercially known as Tinnevelly senna or Indian senna. Should not be confused with Cassia which is a common name for cinnamon. Family Leguminosae CC 2 Anthraquinones glycosides senna side A Senna side B Senna side C Senna side D Uses purgative gripping effect Cathartic, eases bullousness, clean system of worms

Indian Gum

Indian Gum    Synonyms      Gum Arabic, Gum acacia, Babul and Gondu               BS      Dried gummy exudation obtained from the stem and branches of Acacia arabica Wild               Family      Leguminosae              CC      Polysaccharide Arabin, D-galactose, L-arabinose, L-rhamnose,   D-glucoronic acid.             Uses 1. Demulcent. 2. Emulsifying agent. 3. Suspending agent. 4. Binding agent. 5. Used in inflammation of intestinal mucosa. 6. Used to cover inflamed surface such as bums, sore nipples, etc. 7. Used in the manufacture of adhesive and ink.            


Synonyms Myrobalan, Harar (hindi), Hirdo (guj) BS It consists of dried mature fruits of Terminalia Chebula Retz . Family Combretaceae CC tannin (30 to 32%) gallic acid glucogallin chebulic acid Uses Production of sole leather A fine paste of drug with corn oil affects a more rapid cure when applied to burns. Its bark is endowed with both diuretic and cardiotonic properties


Synonyms Mulethi, Radix glycyrrhizae, Licorice, Jethi Madh, Yashtimadhu, Glycyrrhiza BS It consists of subterranean peeled and unpeeled stolons, roots, and subterranean stems of Glycyrrhiza globra Linn. Family Leguminosae CC Bitter principle: glyceramarin Coumarin derivatives: Herniarin, umbelliferone. Asparase, β-sitosterol, starch, resin and malic acid Saponin glycosides: Glycyrrhizin and glycyrrhetic acid. Flavonoids: Liquiritin, liquiritigenin, isoliquiritin and isoliquiritigenin. Uses Tonic Laxative Spasmolytic agent. Anti-inflammatory agent. Cough and peptic ulcer. Diuretic and emollient property. Demulcent and expectorant. Chewing gums, chocolate candy, cigarette and chewing tobacco.


Synonyms Ispaghula, Isapgol, Spogel seeds; Ben. Eshopgol; Guj.- Isafghol; Hin.- Isabghol. BS It consists of dried seeds of Plantago ovata Forsk. Family Plantaginaceae CC Ispaghula seeds and husk contains 10-30% of hydrocolloids as mucilage. Chemically, it contains pentosan and aldobionic acid, Rhamnose, arabinose and galactouronic acids are hydrolyzed products of mucilage. Fixed oils and proteinsare also present in the drug. Uses Demulcents (Soothing property). It is use in treatment of chronic constipation. It is used in chronic dysentery of amoebic and bacillary origin. It is used in chronic diarrhea. It is also used as a stabilizer in ice cream industry.

Hydnocarpus Oil

Hydnocarpus Oil Synonyms Chaulmoogra oil, Gynocardia oil BS Hydnocarpus Oil is the fatty oil obtained by cold expression from the fresh ripe seeds of Hydnocarpus kurzii warb; Hydnocarpus weghtiana and Hydnocarpus anthelmintica. Family Flacourtiaceae. CC Fatty acid- Hydnocarpic acid Chaulmoogric acid Gorlic acid Oleic acid Palmitic acid Uses It is used in the treatment of tuberculosis. Leprosy.


Synonyms blandish, cajole, coax, sweet-talk, wheedle. BS Honey is the saccharine liquid prepared from the nectar of the flowers by the hive-bee Apis mellifica and bees of other species of Apis. Family Apidae CC Proteins Vitamins Amino acids Colouring matters Dextrin (0.06-1.25%), volatile oil, pollen grains enzymes Honey consists chiefly a mixture of dextrose and laevulose (70-80%) and water (14-20%). contains sucrose (1.2-4.5), Uses Demulcent Mild laxative. As a pill recipients It is a sweetening agent. Honey is used as nutritive. It is used as antiseptic and bactericidal. This is also used as a vehicle in Ayurvedic and Unani preparations. It is used as an important component of linctuses and cough mixtures. Recently, it is used in the preparation of creams, lotions, soft drink and candies also.


Synonyms Garlic, Rasun, Belluli, Vallaippundu BS consists of the fresh compound bulb of Allium sativum Linn. Family Liliaceae. CC Essential oil: (i) Alliin, a sulphur containing amino acid. (ii) Allicin- allyl sulphide. (iii) Polysulphide responsible for the unpleasant smell of the oil Vitamins: A, B, C and D Allyl propyl disulphide. Minerals: Calcium, Iron and Zinc Fatty acid, mucilage and albumin. Amino acid: Leucine, methionine, S-methyl cysteine, S-allyl cysteine. Uses Tonic Diuretic Analgesic Stimulant Antibacterial Anticonvulsant Aphrodisiac Piles and duodenal ulcer. Treatment of epilepsy. Reduce blood sugar level. Chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma. Oil of garlic is used as an insecticide. l Used in hypertension and atherosclerosis (thickening of arterial wall). Carminative, gastric stimulant and aids in digest


Synonyms Zingiber, Zingiberis BS Ginger consists of rhizomes of Zingiber officinale Roscoe . Family Zingiberaceae CC volatile oil (1 to 4%) starch (40 to 60%) fat (10%) fibre inorganic material (6%) monoterpene hydrocarbons zingiberene Uses Stomachic Stimulant Aromatic Carminative It is used in mouth washes and liquors.


Synonyms gum myrrh, Bol, Myrrha BS It is an oleo-gum-resin obtained from Commiphora molmol Engler . Family Burseraceae CC Yellowish thick volatile oil(essential opi) (10%) gum (60%) resin (25-40%) terpenes cuminic aldehyde eugenol Uses Antiseptic Stimulant Protective


Synonyms Guggal, Palankasha, Devadhupa BS Guggal is an oleogum-resin that exudes spontaneously as a result of injury from the bark of Commiphora wightii . Family Burseraceae CC diterpenoids aliphatic esters amino acids Z-guggulsterone E-guggulsterone mukulol Uses The oleogum resin has been put to medicinal use in ayurveda for a variety of animents especially for obesity, arthritis and rheumatism.


Synonyms Flax seed. fixed oil BS It consists of the dried fully ripe seeds of Linum usitatissimum. Family Liliaceae CC The ripe seeds of linseed contain small quantitites of a cyanogenetic glycosides fixed oil (33-43%) proteins (25%) enzyme called linase Linamarin upon enzytmatic hydrolysis yields HCN which actualy renders the seeds highly poisonous. Uses Therapeutically, the linseed oil is mostly recommended for the external applications only; liiments and lotions. It is employed in the treatment of scabies and other skin disease in combination with pure flowers of sulphur. As the linseed oil has an inherent very high ‘iodine value’ it is used mostly in the preparation of non staining ‘Iodine Ointment’ and several other products such as: ‘Cresol with Soap’. Commercially, it is one of the most important ‘drying oil’; and, therefore, substan


Synonyms Rosha oil, Palmarosa oil, Motia-variety. BS It is Obtained from leaves and tops of Cymbopogon martini Stapf. Family Graminae CC Geraniol Citronellal Dipentene Linalool Terpenes Uses It possesses insect repellent properties. Palmarosa oil is used in perfumery, Cosmetics, Soaps and in the tratment of rheumatism and skin disease.


Synonyms Oleum, Colpermin, Mentha oil BS The oil is obtained by steam distillation of the fresh flowering tops of the plants known as Mentha piperita Linn. Family Labiatae CC L-menthol menthone menthofuran jasmone menthylisovalerate menthyl acetate cineole pinene camphene Uses It has mild antiseptic properties. Carminative Stimulant Flavoring agent It is used in toothpaste, tooth powders, shaving creams and different pharmaceutical dosage forms. Mentha oil shows digestant activity by stimulating bile flow. Mentha is used for inhalation in steam.


Synonyms Semen myristicae, Myristica, Jayfal (guj) BS It is the kernel of the dried ripe seed of Myristica fragrans Houtten . Family Myristicaceae CC Volatile Oil (5 to 15%) myristicin (4 to 8%) elemicine safrol apiole starch amylodextrin saponin Uses carminative aromatic flavouring agent counter-irritant hallucinogen It is useful remedy in controlling diarrhoea associated with certain carcinomas.


Synonyms Canada tea, Checkerberry, Deerberry, Teaberry BS Gaultheria oil is obtained by steam distillation from the leaves the Gaultheria procumbens Linn. . Family Ericaceae CC Methyl Salicylate (98%) Ester Uses Counter irritant Flavouring agent Antiseptic Diuretic Stimulant Emenagogue It is used as very effective vermicide against hook worms.


Synonyms Fenugreek BS Trigonella foenum-graecum L. Family Fabaceae Uses Fenugreek is used both as a food and food additive as well as in medicines. Fresh tender pods, leaves and shoots are eaten as curried vegetable. As a spice, it flavours food. Powder of dried leaves is also used for garnishing and flavouring variety of food. Fenugreek extract is used as a flavouring agent of imitation maple syrup. The seeds are used in colic flatulence, dysentery, diarrhoea, dyspepsia, chronic cough and enlargement of liver and spleen, rickets, gout and diabetes. It is also used as a carminative, tonic, and aphrodisiac. Fenugreek oil is used in the manufacture of hair tonics.


Synonyms Mulethi, Radix glycyrrhizae, Licorice, Jethi Madh, Yashtimadhu, Glycyrrhiza, Liquorice BS It consists of subterranean peeled and unpeeled stolons, roots, and subterranean stems of Glycyrrhiza globra Linn. Family Leguminosae CC Bitter principle: glyceramarin Coumarin derivatives: Herniarin, umbelliferone. Asparase, β-sitosterol, starch, resin and malic acid Saponin glycosides: Glycyrrhizin and glycyrrhetic acid. Flavonoids: Liquiritin, liquiritigenin, isoliquiritin and isoliquiritigenin. Uses Tonic Laxative Spasmolytic agent. Anti-inflammatory agent. Cough and peptic ulcer. Diuretic and emollient property. Demulcent and expectorant. Chewing gums, chocolate candy, cigarette and chewing tobacco.


Synonyms Nutgrass, Koraikkizhangu BS It is obtained from the tuber or bulbous root, fruit milky juice, leaves and seeds of Cyprus rotandus . Family Cyperaceae CC Cyperone alkaloida calcium camphene limonene kobusone oleic-acid pectin rotundene Uses astringent stimulant diuretic diaphoretic vermifuge treating fevers Nagarmotha plant is used in popular medicine.

Gingelly oil

Gingelly oil Synonyms Teel oil, Gingelly oil, Benne oil BS It is fixed oil obtained by expression from the seeds of Sesamum indicum Linn. Family Pedaliaceae CC Lipids (45-60%) Fixed oil-mixture of glycerides- the fatty acid constituents of which are oleic and linoleic acid Sesamolin, a lignan of the unsaponifiable portion of oil. Sisamolin on hydrolysis yields sesamol a phenolic constituent responsible for the excellent stability of the oil. Vitamin- A and E Uses Pharmaceutical aid. In Dysentery As a solvent for intramuscular injections. Nutritive Mild laxative Demulcent and emollient. An effective synergist for pyrethrum insecticides. It is used in the preparation of liniment, ointment and soap.