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Star Anise

Synonyms Star aniseed, Chinese star anise BS It is the seed pod of an evergreen tree Illicium verum . Family Schisandraceae CC It contains volatile oil 10% in the pericarp and 2% in the kernel, 80-90% anethole. Uses Carminative Flavouring agent Ingredient in cough mixtures


Synonyms Chandan oil, Liginum BS It is obtained by distillation from the heart-wood of Santalum album Linn. Family Santalaceae CC alfa-santalol beta-santalol aldehyde santalol Santene Santenone teresantol santalene Uses It is mainly used as a perfurme in preparation of cosmetic and incense sticks. Sandalwood paste is also used for healing inflamed skin. Sandalwood oil is very helpful in curing scabies and even for the removal of pimples. the oil of sandalwood is useful in the treatment of gonorrhoea and is also used for treating dysuria and cystitis.


Synonyms Crocus, Spanish Saffron, French Saffron BS Saffron is the dried stigma and style-tops of Crocus sativus Linn . Family Iridaceae CC crocin picrocrocin crocetin gentiobiose lycopene zeaxanthin crocin-2 crocin-3 crocin-4 Uses stimulant antispasmodic treating anemia, chlorosis and seminal debility it is used in small doses, in fevers, melancholia, enlargement of the liver, and asthma


Synonyms snakeroot; Seneca snakeroot; Rattlesnake root; Radix senegae; Senega root. BS senega is the dried root and root stock of Polygala senega L., or Polygala senega var latifolia Torret Gray or Polygala alba Nutt. Family Polygalaceae CC saponin glycosides senegin polygallic acid senegenin senegenic acid Uses The senega root is used extensively as an expectorant The senega root is used in chronic bronchitis to relieve the spasms. It is also employed as an emetic


Synonyms Shatamuli BS shatavari mostly comprises of the dried roots and the leaves of the naturally occurring plant known as Asparagus racemosus Will, Family Liliaceae CC steriodal saponins shatavarin I-IV present collectively to the extent of 0.2%; however shatavarin I is the major glycoside present. Uses The roots are employed mostly as galactogogue to promote the flow of milk. The roots are used invariably as tonic and diuretic. The steroidal saponin Shatavari-I is reported to exert antioxytocic activity. The roots are extensively employed as a medicinal oil for the control and management of nervine disorders and rheumatism. In the Ayurvedic System of Medicine it is widely used both in threatened abortion and safe delivery because of its distinct uterine blocking activity.


Synonyms Semen strophanthi, Strophanthus Seeds BS Strophanthus consists of dried ripe seeds of the Strophanthus kombe. Family Apocynaceae CC K-strophanthoside K-strophanthride cymarin strophanthidin Uses In Acute cardiac failure. Hypertensive Diuretic in cardiac edema.

Strychnos Nux Vomica

Synonyms Semen strychni, Nux-vomica seeds, Kuchla (Hindi), Zer Kachuro (Guj.) BS Strychnos Nux vomica consists of the dried ripe seeds of Strychnos nux- vomica L. Family Loganiaceae CC Alkaloids (2.5 to 5%): Indole -strychnine and brucine. Miner-Vomicine and pseudo strychnine. Glycoside: Monoterpene glycoside- Loganin. Fixed oil (2 to 4%). Uses Spinal cord stimulant. As a circulatory stimulant. Nerve and sex tonic In cases of neurasthenia (excessive fatigue of neurotic origin). Bitter stomachic (strengthening of stomach and promoting its action).

Shark Liver Oil

Synonyms Oleum Selachoids. BS Shark liver oil is obtained from the fresh or carefully preserved livers of the shark Hypoprion brevirostris. It contains in 1 g not less than 6000 international Units of Vitamin A activity. Family Pleuonectidae CC Vitamin A glycerides of saturated fatty acids glycerides of unsaturated fatty acids Uses Source of vitamin A. In the treatment of xerophthalmia (abnormal dryness of the surface of the conjunctiva) In combination with vitamin D, it is given as a tonic and nutritive in cases of TB. It is used in burn and sunburn ointments.


Synonyms Senna lead, senna folium , Cassia senna BS Dried leaflets of Cassia senna (Cassia acutifolia) also known commercially as Alexandrian senna or khartoum senna and Cassia angustifolia, which is commercially known as Tinnevelly senna or Indian senna. Should not be confused with Cassia which is a common name for cinnamon. Family Leguminosae CC 2 Anthraquinones glycosides senna side A Senna side B Senna side C Senna side D Uses purgative gripping effect Cathartic, eases bullousness, clean system of worms

Sesame Oil

> Synonyms Teel oil, Gingelly oil, Benne oil BS It is fixed oil obtained by expression from the seeds of Sesamum indicum Linn. Family Pedaliaceae CC Lipids (45-60%) Fixed oil-mixture of glycerides- the fatty acid constituents of which are oleic and linoleic acid Sesamolin, a lignan of the unsaponifiable portion of oil. Sisamolin on hydrolysis yields sesamol a phenolic constituent responsible for the excellent stability of the oil. Vitamin- A and E Uses Pharmaceutical aid. In Dysentery As a solvent for intramuscular injections. Nutritive Mild laxative Demulcent and emollient. An effective synergist for pyrethrum insecticides. It is used in the preparation of liniment, ointment and soap.


Synonyms Amylum BS Starch consists of polysaccharide granules obtained from the grains of Maize Zea mays L. or of rice Oryza sativa L or of wheat Triticum aestivum L. or from the tubers of the potato Solarium tuberosum L. Family Graminae, Solanaceae CC Starch contains generally a mixture of two polysaccharides, amylopectin (α- amylose) and amylose (β-amylose). Amylopectin it is the main constituent of most of the starches (more than 80%) and is present in outer parts of granules. It contains both strait chained and branched glucose unit. It is insoluble in water and is responsible for gelatinizing property. It gives bluish black colour with iodine solution. Amylose most starches contain 20% amylose. It contains straight chained glucose units and is present in inner parts of granules. It is soluble in water and produces blue colour with iodine solution. Use