
Synonyms Flax seed. fixed oil
BS It consists of the dried fully ripe seeds of Linum usitatissimum.
Family Liliaceae
  • The ripe seeds of linseed contain small quantitites of a cyanogenetic glycosides
  • fixed oil (33-43%)
  • proteins (25%)
  • enzyme called linase
  • Linamarin upon enzytmatic hydrolysis yields HCN which actualy renders the seeds highly poisonous.
  • Uses
  • Therapeutically, the linseed oil is mostly recommended for the external applications only; liiments and lotions.
  • It is employed in the treatment of scabies and other skin disease in combination with pure flowers of sulphur.
  • As the linseed oil has an inherent very high ‘iodine value’ it is used mostly in the preparation of non staining ‘Iodine Ointment’ and several other products such as: ‘Cresol with Soap’.
  • Commercially, it is one of the most important ‘drying oil’; and, therefore, substantially huge amounts are exclusively used for varnishes and paints.
  • Linseed oil finds its extensive application in the manufacturer of soap, grease, polymer, plasticizer, polish and linoleum.

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