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Synonyms Dill fruits, Anethum, European Dill BS It Consists of dried ripe fruits of Anethum graveolens Linn . Family Umbelliferae CC Volatile Oil (2.4 to 4%) Fixed Oil Proteins carvone (43 to 63%) dihydrocarvone D-limonene phellandrene Uses Aromatic Stimulant Carminative Flavouring agent The oil of dill is used in the preparation of dill water.

Dhataki Puspa

Dhataki Puspa Synonyms Sanskrit : Bahupuspi, Tamrapuspi, Vahnijvala Assamese : Dhaiphool Bengali : Dhaiphul English : Fire flame bush Gujrati : Dhavadi, Dhavani Hindi : Dhai, Dhava Kannada : Dhataki, Tamrapushpi Kashmiri : Kath Malayalam : Tattiripuvu, Tatire Marathi : Dhayati, Dhavati Oriya : Dhaiphula, Dhatuki Punjabi : Davi, Phul Dhava Tamil : Kattati, Kattathi., Kattattipoo Telugu : Aarl Puruvu BS Dhataki consists of flowers of Woodfordia fruticosa (Linn.) Kurz. Family Lythraceae CC Tannin glucoside. Uses Atisara, Raktapitta, Trsna, Vrana, Visarpa


Synonyms thorn apple. common thorn apple. Jamestown weed. jimsonweed. BS It consists of dried leaves and flowering tops of Datura metal Linn. And Datura metal var. fastuosa. Family Solanaceae CC Tropane alkaloids- a. Hyoscyamine b. Scopolamine (hyoscine) Fastudine and fastunine, Fastusic acid, alantoin. Ascorbic acid, etc. Uses Mydriatic (dilation of the pupil). Antispasmodic (a drug that counteracts a sudden, violent, involuntary muscular contraction) Antimuscarinic effect (acts peripherally to produce parasympathetic inhibition). Antisialagogue (a drug that arrest the flow of excess of saliva) Cerebral sedative (reduce excitement)

Digitalis Purprea

Synonyms foxgloves, Digitalis, common foxglove, fingers flower, fairy bell, finger-root. BS Digitalis consists of dried leaves of Digitalis purpurea Linn. After collection leaves are dried immediately at temperature below 60 C and they contain no more than 5% moisture. After drying leaves are stored in moisture proof container. Family Scrophulariaceae CC The primary glycosides are purpurea glycosides A and B. It also contains Odoroside H, glucogitaloxin. Verodoxin and glucoverodoxin. The digitoxigenin, Digitoxin, Gitoxigenin, gitaloxin are also important medicinal compounds. They are also called secondary glycosides. They contain anthraquinones derivatives like digitolutin, methoxy-2 methyl anthraquinones, etc Contains saponin, flavonoids. Tannins and pectin. Uses Cardiotonic. Used in various forms like tablets or capsules in the treatment of c

Digitalis lanata

Synonyms Woolly fox glove, foxglove. finger-flower. fairy bell. BS The digitalis consists of dried leaves of Digitalis lanata. Family Scrophulariaceae CC Digitoxin, gitoxin, digoxin. Flavones derivatives: scutellarein, dinatin, etc. Lanatoside is acetylated products of purpurea glycosides. Lanatoside A, B, C, D & E Uses D. lanata is used commercially in the preparation of digoxin and lanatoside. Digoxin is rapidly absorbed from G.I.T. than other glycoside is used in atrial fibrillation and congestive heart failure. Lanatoside C is preferred for long term therapy because of less cumulative effect.