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Synonyms Otto, Attar of oil, Oleum rosae. BS The oil is obtained by distillation from fresh flowers of Rosa damascene R. gallica, R. alba and R. centifolia. Family Rosaceae CC geraniol citronellol nerol E-farnesol Santenone teresantol santalene Uses Oil of rose is of great importance in perfumery.


Synonyms Rhizome Rhei, Rhei Radix, Revandchini. BS It consists of the peeled dried rhizomes and roots of Rheum palmatum Linn. Rheum officinale and other species of rhubarb, excepting Rheum rhaponticum Family Polygonaceae CC It also contains starch and calcium oxalate. Heterodianthrone contains two different molecules of anthrones they are from above anthrone. It also contains astringent substances such as ghicogallin free gallic acid, catechins and epicatechin gallate. The anthraquinones are chrysophenol, aloe-emodin, emodin, physcion and rhein anthrones or dianthrones are of chrysophenol, emodin. Aloe- emodin or physcion. Uses Purgative (Large dose). Antidiarrhoeal in small dose

Ricinus Oil

Synonyms Ben. – Bherenda; Guj. – Diveli; Hindi- Erand; Kan. – Haralenne., Castor Oil BS Ricinus Oil is the fixed oil obtained by cold expression from the seeds of Ricinus communis L. Family Euphorbiaceae CC Lipids- Fixed oils (45-55%) mixture of triglyrides. Triricinolein (75%), which on hydrolysis yields ricinoleic acid responsible for the cathartic effect. Uses Cathartic (increases the movement of the bowels) In soap industry. As a lubricant. Ricinus Oil is used as plasticizer and in preparation flexible collodion.


Synonyms Bengali – sarpagandha; Tamil – Chinanmdpodi; Sans Chhota-chand; Hindi – Chandrika; Bihar- Pagla ki dawa BS Rauwolfia consists of the dried roots and rhizomes of Rauwolfia serpentina Benth. It contains not less than 0.15% of reserpine. Family Apocynaceae CC Alkaloids- Indole alkaloids (1.5 or 3%) present. Weakly basic Indole type (pH 7 to 7.5) Reserpine group – Reserpine, Rescinnamine, deserpidine. Tertiary indoline alkaloids (pH-8). Ajmaline group- Ajmaline and Ajmalicine. Strongly basic anhydronium bases (pH-11). Serpentine group – Serpentine, Serpentinine and Alsotonine. Uses Rauwolfia is used as hypotensive and tranquillizer. Reserpine being the main alkaloid is responsible for the activity and is used in anxiety condition and other neuropsychoiatric diseases. Sedative – calm down activities and excitement (reserpine group). Stim