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Synonyms Myrobalan, Harar (hindi), Hirdo (guj) BS It consists of dried mature fruits of Terminalia Chebula Retz . Family Combretaceae CC tannin (30 to 32%) gallic acid glucogallin chebulic acid Uses Production of sole leather A fine paste of drug with corn oil affects a more rapid cure when applied to burns. Its bark is endowed with both diuretic and cardiotonic properties

Hydnocarpus Oil

Hydnocarpus Oil Synonyms Chaulmoogra oil, Gynocardia oil BS Hydnocarpus Oil is the fatty oil obtained by cold expression from the fresh ripe seeds of Hydnocarpus kurzii warb; Hydnocarpus weghtiana and Hydnocarpus anthelmintica. Family Flacourtiaceae. CC Fatty acid- Hydnocarpic acid Chaulmoogric acid Gorlic acid Oleic acid Palmitic acid Uses It is used in the treatment of tuberculosis. Leprosy.


Synonyms blandish, cajole, coax, sweet-talk, wheedle. BS Honey is the saccharine liquid prepared from the nectar of the flowers by the hive-bee Apis mellifica and bees of other species of Apis. Family Apidae CC Proteins Vitamins Amino acids Colouring matters Dextrin (0.06-1.25%), volatile oil, pollen grains enzymes Honey consists chiefly a mixture of dextrose and laevulose (70-80%) and water (14-20%). contains sucrose (1.2-4.5), Uses Demulcent Mild laxative. As a pill recipients It is a sweetening agent. Honey is used as nutritive. It is used as antiseptic and bactericidal. This is also used as a vehicle in Ayurvedic and Unani preparations. It is used as an important component of linctuses and cough mixtures. Recently, it is used in the preparation of creams, lotions, soft drink and candies also.