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Synonyms Indian Podophyllum, Podophyllum Radix, Himalayan May-apple BS It consists of dried rhizomes and roots of Podophyllum hexandrum Royle or Podophyllum emodi well . Family Berberidaceae CC podophyllin (7 to 15%) flavonoid astragalin Quercetin kaempferol (8%) asiragalin essential oil etoposide Uses Purgative It is used in treatment of veneral and other warts It is cholagague and bitter tonic It is used in semi-synthetic production of etoposide


Synonyms Bijasal, Indian kino tree, Malbar kino BS It consists of the dried juice of the plant Pterocarpus marsupium Linn . Family Leguminosae CC kinotannic acid (70 to 80%) kino red catechol resin gallic acid Uses Astringent It is used in : Diarrhoea Dysentery Dyeing Tanning and Printing

Pale Catechu

Synonyms Gambier, Pale Catechu, Terra Japonica, Catechu BS It is an extract prepared from the leaves and young shoots of Uncaria gambier Roxburg . Family Rubiaceae CC catechin (7.33%) catechutannic acid (22 to 50%) catechu-red quercetin gambier fluorescin Uses All parts of the plant have astringent properties In paste form, It is used to treat scurf Treatment of sciatica and lumbago


Synonyms Papper, black Pipper, Kalimirch (Hindi); Golmarich (Bangali); Milagu- Milagu. BS It consists of dried unripe fruits of Pipper nigrum Linn. Family Piperaceae CC 1. Piperidine group of alkaloids: Piperine Piperidine Piperettine Chavicine 2. 1-2.5% volatile oil: Phellandrene Caryophyllene Piperonal Camphene Pinene Citronellol 3. Resin 4. Starch (30%). 5. Argenine, 6. Ascorbic acid, 7. Carotene, 8. Thiamine and riboflavin 9. The pungency is due to alkaloids piperine and resin Uses Carminative Stomachic Stimulant Flatulent Antiarthritis Antimalerial Useful in sore throat piles and dyspepsia Useful in treatment of gonorrhea and chronic bronchitis.


Synonyms Butea Gum tree, Tesu, Suparni, Paladulu. BS Palash consists of dried seed, fruit, leaves and flowers of Butea monosperma Lam. (B. frondosa Koenig). Family Papilionaceae CC 1. Seed: Fixed oil (Fatty acid: linoleic acid, oleic acid, linolenic acid, Alkaloid (monospermine) Palasonin and palasonin-N- phenyl imide. palmitic acid, stearic acid, arachidic acid, behinic acid and linoceric acid); 2. Flowers: Butrin, butein, Flavonoids, steroids. Coreopsin, Isocoreopsin, Sulphurein Monospermoside isospermoside chakones and aurones (Bright colour). 3. Root: Glycine, Glucoside Aromatic compound. Category: Seed: Anthelmintic. Uses 1. Leaves: Arthralgia and haemorrhoids. Colic, worm infestation, inflammations, They are useful in pimples, boils, flatulence, Astringent, anti-inflammatory, anodyne and aphrodisiac. 2. Flowers: Ast