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Synonyms Zingiber, Zingiberis BS Ginger consists of rhizomes of Zingiber officinale Roscoe . Family Zingiberaceae CC volatile oil (1 to 4%) starch (40 to 60%) fat (10%) fibre inorganic material (6%) monoterpene hydrocarbons zingiberene Uses Stomachic Stimulant Aromatic Carminative It is used in mouth washes and liquors.


Synonyms Guggal, Palankasha, Devadhupa BS Guggal is an oleogum-resin that exudes spontaneously as a result of injury from the bark of Commiphora wightii . Family Burseraceae CC diterpenoids aliphatic esters amino acids Z-guggulsterone E-guggulsterone mukulol Uses The oleogum resin has been put to medicinal use in ayurveda for a variety of animents especially for obesity, arthritis and rheumatism.


Synonyms Rosha oil, Palmarosa oil, Motia-variety. BS It is Obtained from leaves and tops of Cymbopogon martini Stapf. Family Graminae CC Geraniol Citronellal Dipentene Linalool Terpenes Uses It possesses insect repellent properties. Palmarosa oil is used in perfumery, Cosmetics, Soaps and in the tratment of rheumatism and skin disease.


Synonyms Canada tea, Checkerberry, Deerberry, Teaberry BS Gaultheria oil is obtained by steam distillation from the leaves the Gaultheria procumbens Linn. . Family Ericaceae CC Methyl Salicylate (98%) Ester Uses Counter irritant Flavouring agent Antiseptic Diuretic Stimulant Emenagogue It is used as very effective vermicide against hook worms.


Synonyms Mulethi, Radix glycyrrhizae, Licorice, Jethi Madh, Yashtimadhu, Glycyrrhiza, Liquorice BS It consists of subterranean peeled and unpeeled stolons, roots, and subterranean stems of Glycyrrhiza globra Linn. Family Leguminosae CC Bitter principle: glyceramarin Coumarin derivatives: Herniarin, umbelliferone. Asparase, β-sitosterol, starch, resin and malic acid Saponin glycosides: Glycyrrhizin and glycyrrhetic acid. Flavonoids: Liquiritin, liquiritigenin, isoliquiritin and isoliquiritigenin. Uses Tonic Laxative Spasmolytic agent. Anti-inflammatory agent. Cough and peptic ulcer. Diuretic and emollient property. Demulcent and expectorant. Chewing gums, chocolate candy, cigarette and chewing tobacco.

Gingelly oil

Gingelly oil Synonyms Teel oil, Gingelly oil, Benne oil BS It is fixed oil obtained by expression from the seeds of Sesamum indicum Linn. Family Pedaliaceae CC Lipids (45-60%) Fixed oil-mixture of glycerides- the fatty acid constituents of which are oleic and linoleic acid Sesamolin, a lignan of the unsaponifiable portion of oil. Sisamolin on hydrolysis yields sesamol a phenolic constituent responsible for the excellent stability of the oil. Vitamin- A and E Uses Pharmaceutical aid. In Dysentery As a solvent for intramuscular injections. Nutritive Mild laxative Demulcent and emollient. An effective synergist for pyrethrum insecticides. It is used in the preparation of liniment, ointment and soap.

Guar Gum

Synonyms Cyamopsis psoraloides, Handi- Gower; Sans. Bakuch; Tam. Kothaveray; tel-Gorchikunda. BS Guar gum obtained from the refined endosperm of the seeds of Cyamopsis tetragonolobus L. Taub. Family Leguminosae CC Carbohydrate Small quantity of protein. Gum- Guaran, the water soluble portion of the gum and yields on hydrolysis galactose 35% and mannose 60-65%. Uses In bulk laxatives. Protective colloids As appetite depressant. It is used in peptic ulcer therapy. It is a good emulsion stabilizer. Used as binding agent and disintegrating agent in tablet formulations. It is also reduces blood glucose concentration in diabetic patients and serum concentration in hyper lipidaemia.


Synonyms Gentian root, Yellow gentian root, Bitter root, Kutaki and Karu BS Gentian consists of the dried rhizome and root of Gentian lutea L. Family Gentianaceae CC Tannins Gentisic acid. Alkaloids: Gentianine. Sugar: Gentiobiose and gentianose. Bitter principle: Gentiopicrin, Amaragentin. Xanthine derivatives: Gentisin, Gentioside. Pectin and calcium oxalate Uses Anorexia. Dyspepsia. Bitter tonic. Stomachic for increasing appetite and to cure debility.


Synonyms Lehsun, Rasun, Belluli, Vallaippundu BS consists of the fresh compound bulb of Allium sativum Linn. Family Liliaceae. CC Essential oil: (i) Alliin, a sulphur containing amino acid. (ii) Allicin- allyl sulphide. (iii) Polysulphide responsible for the unpleasant smell of the oil Vitamins: A, B, C and D Allyl propyl disulphide. Minerals: Calcium, Iron and Zinc Fatty acid, mucilage and albumin. Amino acid: Leucine, methionine, S-methyl cysteine, S-allyl cysteine. Uses Tonic Diuretic Analgesic Stimulant Antibacterial Anticonvulsant Aphrodisiac Piles and duodenal ulcer. Treatment of epilepsy. Reduce blood sugar level. Chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma. Oil of garlic is used as an insecticide. l Used in hypertension and atherosclerosis (thickening of arterial wall). Carminative, gastric stimulant and aids in digestion and absorpti