
Showing posts with the label B

Black Catechu

Black Catechu Synonyms Catechu, Katha (guj), Peru catechu, Cutch Khadir (sanskrit) BS It is dried aqueous extract obtained from the heart wood of Acacia catechu . Family Leguminosae CC catechin (10 to 15%) tannic acid (7.5 to 35%) acacatechin (2 to 12%) phlobatannin (25 to 35%) Quercitrin Gum (20 to 30%) Uses Astringent It is used in cough and diarrhoea It is used in medicinal preparation It is used in relaxed conditions of throat, mouth and gums


Benzoin Synonyms Sumatra Benzoin, Loban BS the balsamic resin obtained from Styrax benzoin Dryand . Family Styraceae CC balsamic acid ester Coniferyl alcohol Coniferyl Benzoate Benzoic acid Cinnamic acid vanillin (1%) styrol styracin Uses Carminative Diuretic Antiseptic Expectorant It is used to repair the odour of incense, soaps, perfumes.

Balsam of Peru

Balsam of Peru Synonyms Peru Balsam BS The viscid balsam exuded from the trunk of Myroxylon pereirae Klotsch . Family Leguminoseae CC volatile oil (60%) resin esters (28%) peruviol vanillin Uses Stimulant Expectorant Parasiticide Antiseptic Manufacture of soap It is used in scabies and skin diseases.

Balsam of Tolu

Balsam of Tolu Synonyms Tolu Balsam BS The solid or semi-solid balsam obtained by incision from the trunk of Myroxylon Balsamum Harms . Family Leguminoseae CC resin (80%) cinnamic acid benzoic acid balsamic esters (7.5%) balsamic acid toluene styrol vanillin Uses flavouring agent It is used in treatment for : Head lice Skin rashes and wounds Colds, flu, and strep throat Coughs and lung congestion Skin parasites and ringworm


Baheda Synonyms Beleric myrobalan, Baheda, Bibhitak BS It consists of dried ripe fruits of the plant Terminalia belerica Linn . Family Combretaceae CC tannin (20 to 30%) water soluble extractive (40 to 45%) gallic acid ellagic acid phyllemblin galloyl glucose Uses Astringent Demulcent Purgative Manufacture of soap Treatment of : Dyspepsia Diarrhoea


Synonyms Bael fruits, Bel, Indian Bael, Bengal Quince, Belan BS It consists of the unripe or half-ripe fruits or their slices or irregular pieces of Aegle marmelos Corr . Family Rutaceae CC furocoumarin marmesin psoralin carbohydrates (11 to 17%) protein volatile oil tannins Uses Abortifacient agent It is used in diarrhoea and dysentery

Benne oil

Benne oil Synonyms Teel oil, Gingelly oil, Benne oil BS It is fixed oil obtained by expression from the seeds of Sesamum indicum Linn. Family Pedaliaceae CC Lipids (45-60%) Fixed oil-mixture of glycerides- the fatty acid constituents of which are oleic and linoleic acid Sesamolin, a lignan of the unsaponifiable portion of oil. Sisamolin on hydrolysis yields sesamol a phenolic constituent responsible for the excellent stability of the oil. Vitamin- A and E Uses Pharmaceutical aid. In Dysentery As a solvent for intramuscular injections. Nutritive Mild laxative Demulcent and emollient. An effective synergist for pyrethrum insecticides. It is used in the preparation of liniment, ointment and soap.


Beeswax Synonyms Bees wax; Cera-flava; Ben. And Hin.- Mom; Guj.- Min.; Kan.- Mena. BS Yellow bees wax is purified wax and obtained from the honey comb of the bees Apis mellifera and other species of Apis. Family Apidae CC Aromatic substances: Cerolein. Cholesteryl ester. Lignoceric acid. Myristolactone Myricyl alcohol and ceryl alcohol. Uses As a pharmaceutical aid. It is used in the preparation of plasters, ointments and polishes. It is used in ointment for hardening purpose and in the manufacture of candles, Moulds and in dental and electric industries. It is also used in cosmetic for the preparation of lip-sticks and face creams.