
Showing posts with the label T


Turmeric Synonyms Indian saffron, Curcuma BS Turmeric consists of dried as well as, fresh rhizomes of the plant known as Curcuma longa Linn . Family Zingiberaceae CC volatile oil (5%) resin curcumin (50 to 60%) alfa-pinene beta-pinene camphor camphene Uses Condiment or Spice Colouring agent It is used for detection of boric acid


Tulsi Synonyms Sacred basil, Holy basil BS It Consists of fresh and dried leaves of Ocimum sanctum Linn . Family Labiatae CC Volatile Oil (0.1 to 0.9%) eugenol carvacrol (3%) eugenol-methyl-ether (20%) caryophyllin alkaloids glycosides saponin tannins vitamin C citric acid tartaric acid Uses Aromatic Stimulant spasmolytic diaphoretic the oil is antibacterial and insecticidal. Infusion of the leaves is used as a stomachic

Theobroma oil

Theobroma oil Synonyms Theobroma oil; Cacao butter BS It is obtained from roasted seeds of Theobroma cacao L. Family Sterculiaceae. CC It contains of glycerides of stearic acid (34%), oleic acid (37%), Palmitic acid (25%), small quantity of arachidic acid and linoleic acids. The non-greasiness of product is due to its glycerides structure. Uses Used as a base for suppositories ointments Manufacture of creams toilet soaps.


Tragacanth Synonyms Gum Tragacanth, Hin.-Anjira. BS Tragacanth is dried gummy exudation obtained from the stem of Astragalus gummifer Labill. Family Leguminosae CC It contains a complex polysaccharide carbohydrate. a. Water-soluble Tragacanthin (30-40%) b. Water insoluble Bassorin (60-70%) tragacanthic acid, Arabinogalactan It is also contains 3% starch and cellulose. Uses It is used as a demulcent (soothing). Suspending agent. Binding agent. Emulsifying agent. Laxative. It is used in adhesive In textile industry.