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Synonyms Jira BS It consists of dried ripe fruits of Cuminum cyminum Linn . Family Umbelliferae CC Volatile Oil Fixed Oil (10%) Proteins Phellandrene hydrocuminine Uses Stimulant Carminative Diarrhoea Dyspepsia


Synonyms Coriander fruits, Chinese parsley, Indian parsley. BS These are the fully dried ripe fruits of the plant known as Coriandrum Sativum. Family Umbelliferae CC Volatile Oil (0.3 to 1%) Fixed Oil (13%) Proteins (20%) Uses Coriander oil is used along with purgatives to prevent gripping. It is an ingredient of compound spirit of orange and cascara elixir. The Fruits, as well as, volatile oil, are used as an aromatic, carminative, stimulant and flavouring agent.


Colophony Synonyms Rosin, Gandha birojaa (hindi) BS It is the residue left after distilling off the volatile oil from the oleoresin obtained from pinus palustris and other species of pinus. Family Pinaceae CC resin acid (90%) fatty acid esters abietic acid pimaric acid Uses stiffening agent diuretic manufacture of varnishes, printing inks, cements, soap etc..


Clove Synonyms Caryophyllum, Clove flower, Clove buds BS It Consists of dried flower buds of Eugenia caryophyllus . Family Myrtaceae CC Volatile Oil (15 to 20%) tannin (10 to 13%) resin chromone eugenin D-limonene phellandrene Uses Aromatic Stimulant Carminative Flavouring agent Dental analgesic Antiseptic Preparation of cigarettes perfumery It is used in manufacture of vanillin.


Cardamom Synonyms Cardamom fruit, Ilaychi, Hail, Cardamom seeds BS It consists of the dried ripe fruits of the plant Elettaria cardamomum . Family Zingiberaceae CC Cardamom Fruit : Volatile Oil (2.8 to 6.2%) Starch (50%) Fixed oil (1 to 10%) Calcium oxalate Cardamom Oil : alpha-pinene beta-pinene Limonene alfa-Terpineol Geraniol Methyl eugenol Myrcene Sabinene Linalool Linalyl acetate Citronellol Uses Antiseptic Antispamodic Carminative Digestive Stomachic Tonic Diuretic Expectorant Stimulant Flavouring agent Manufacturing alcoholic liquors


Caraway Synonyms Fructus Carvi, Carum, Caraway fruits, Shahjiru (guj.) BS It consists of the dried ripe fruits of Carum carvi Linn . Family Umbelliferae CC Volatile Oil (3 to 7%) carvone dihydrocarvone carveol terpene limonene Uses Aromatic Stimulant Carminative Flavouring agent It is used as a spice. Caraway is widely used for flavouring breads, biscuits, cakes and cheese. It is also used to correct the nauseating and griping effects of some medicines.


Capsicum Synonyms Chillies, Cayenne pepper BS It consists of dried ripe fruits of Capsicum annum Linn . Family Solanaceae CC capsaicin (0.5 to 0.9%) fixed oil (4 to 16%) proteins pigments Thiamine ascorbic acid Uses Carminative Stomachic Counter irritant Stimulant Spices


Cannabis Synonyms Indian hemp, Ganja, Marihuana BS It is consists of dried flowering tops of the cultivated female plants of Cannabis sativa Linn . Family Cannabinaceae CC volatile oil resin (15 to 20%) trigonelline choline cannabinol cannabidiol fixed oil (20%) Uses narcotic sedative analgesic It causes intoxication, euphoria and later mental disturbances.


Chirata Synonyms Bitter stick; Chiretta; Chirayita; East Indian Balmony. BS It is the dried plant of Swerlia (Ophelia) chirata (Roxb) Buch-Ham Family Gentianaceae CC bitter principles, bitter glycosides: amarogentin, chiratin alkaloids; gentianine, gentiocrucine ophelic acid Uses invariably used as a bitter tonic. It also finds its use as a febrifuge. It is employed in dyspepsia. It has been recommended as a diuretic and in epilepsy. Industrially, it is extensively used in dyeing cotton cloth.

Coca Leaves

Coca Leaves Synonyms Coca, Folium cocae BS It consists of the dried leaves of Erythroxylon coca var. coca (Huanco or Bolivian coca) and Erythroxylon coca var. spruceanum (Java, Peruvian, Truxillo). Family Erythoxylaceae CC 1 to 1.5% alkaloids cocaine cinnamyl cocaine a and β-truxilline. Coca alkaloids in contrast to alkaloids of hyoscyamine group are derived from pseudotropine. All the alkaloids are derivatives of ecgonine and can be easily hydrolysed. Cocaine is methyl benzoyl ecgonine. Uses local anesthetic Coca leaves are used asumulant, restorative and also in convulsions. Cocaine reduces the sensitive and respiratory depressant effects of morphine and allied drugs, due to CNS stimulant properties. Owing to hallucinogenic and additive effects of cocaine, it has become the drug of abuse

Chota Chand

Chota Chand Synonyms Bengali – sarpagandha; Tamil – Chinanmdpodi; Sans Chhota-chand; Hindi – Chandrika; Bihar- Pagla ki dawa, Rauwolfia BS Chota Chand consists of the dried roots and rhizomes of Chota Chand serpentina Benth. It contains not less than 0.15% of reserpine. Family Apocynaceae CC Alkaloids- Indole alkaloids (1.5 or 3%) present. Weakly basic Indole type (pH 7 to 7.5) Reserpine group – Reserpine, Rescinnamine, deserpidine. Tertiary indoline alkaloids (pH-8). Ajmaline group- Ajmaline and Ajmalicine. Strongly basic anhydronium bases (pH-11). Serpentine group – Serpentine, Serpentinine and Alsotonine. Uses Chota Chand is used as hypotensive and tranquillizer. Reserpine being the main alkaloid is responsible for the activity and is used in anxiety condition and other neuropsychoiatric d

Cascara Bark

Cascara Bark Synonyms Cascara Segrada. Sacred Bark, Chittem Bark BS Cascara segrada is the dried bark of Rhumnus purshiunu DC. It collected at least one year before use. Family Rhamnaceae CC C- glycoside comprising Cascaroside-A and B, Cascaroside C and D, Barbaloin and Chrysaloin O-glycosides: Fragula emodin oxathrone glucoside. Homodianthrone of emodin, aloe-emodin and chrysophenol Uses Cathartic (Promoting active movement of bowels). It rectifies the habitual constipation where it is not only act as a laxative but restores natural tone the colon

Cod Liver Oil

Cod Liver Oil Synonyms Oleum morrhi BS It is processed from fresh liver of cod fish, Gadus morrhua and other species of Gadus. Family Gadidae CC vitamin A vitamin D The oil contains glyceryl ester of oleic, linoleic, gadoleic, myristic. Palmitic and other acids. contains 7% eicosapaenoic acid and docosahexanoic acid. Uses The oil is used as source of vitamins As a nutritive Treatment of Rickets Treatment of Treatment of Rickets

Chaulmoogra oil

Chaulmoogra oil Synonyms Chaulmoogra oil, Gynocardia oil BS Chaulmoogra oil is the fatty oil obtained by cold expression from the fresh ripe seeds of Hydnocarpus kurzii warb; Hydnocarpus weghtiana and Hydnocarpus anthelmintica. Family Flacourtiaceae. CC Fatty acid- Hydnocarpic acid Chaulmoogric acid Gorlic acid Oleic acid Palmitic acid Uses It is used in the treatment of tuberculosis. Leprosy.

Castor Oil

Castor Oil Synonyms Ben. – Bherenda; Guj. – Diveli; Hindi- Erand; Kan. – Haralenne. BS Castor oil is the fixed oil obtained by cold expression from the seeds of Ricinus communis L. Family Euphorbiaceae CC Lipids- Fixed oils (45-55%) mixture of triglyrides. Triricinolein (75%), which on hydrolysis yields ricinoleic acid responsible for the cathartic effect. Uses Cathartic (increases the movement of the bowels) In soap industry. As a lubricant. Castor oil is used as plasticizer and in preparation flexible collodion.

Cocoa Butter

Cocoa Butter Synonyms Theobroma oil; Cacao butter BS It is obtained from roasted seeds of Theobroma cacao L. Family Sterculiaceae. CC It contains of glycerides of stearic acid (34%), oleic acid (37%), Palmitic acid (25%), small quantity of arachidic acid and linoleic acids. The non-greasiness of product is due to its glycerides structure. Uses Used as a base for suppositories ointments Manufacture of creams toilet soaps.