
Showing posts with the label V


Vidang Synonyms False black pepper BS It consists of dried ripe fruits of Embelia ribes Burm . Family Myrisinaceae CC embelin (2%) quircitol (1.0%) fatty material (5.0%) tannin (1%) volatile oil Uses Carminative Anthelmintic Astringent Stimulant Ingredient in applications for ring worm


Valerian Synonyms European valerian, Valeriana, Valerian rhizome, Valerian root, Al Nardeen BS It consists of the dried rhizomes and roots of Valeriana officinalis Linn . Family Valerianaceae CC volatile oil (0.5 to 1%) mono-terpene sesqui-terpene hydrocarbons Sesqui-terpene ketonic acid valerenic acid valeranone valtratsvaltrat acetoxy valtrat didrovaltrat Uses Carminative Antispasmodic It is used in hysteria, insomnia, nervous excitement and palpitation of heart. Valerian has sedative action on CNS. Download Our Cognosy App :  Click Here


Vetiver Synonyms Khus oil BS It is obtained by steam distillation from roots of the plant Vetiveria zizanioides Stapf . Family Gramineae CC alcohols (45-60%) alfa and beta vetivones khusal khusitol khusinol Uses Stimulant refrigerant flavouring agent aromatic stomachic preparation of soap,sharbat and perfumery


Vinca Synonyms Vinca rosea, Lochnera rosea, Sadaphuli, Rattanjot Billaganneru; Hindi- Sadabahar; Beng.-Nayantara. BS It is dried whole plant of Catharanthus roseus. Family Apocynaceae CC 1. Indole and indoline alkaloids: Ajmalicine Lochnerine Serpentine 2. Tetrahydroalstonine: Dimeric Indole bases of monoterpene type Vinblastin Vincristin Uses Vinca is used in hypertension. In the treatment of leukemia in children. In the treatment of Hodgkin’s disease. Antineoplastic (antimitotic= Cytostatic = anticancer antitumour).