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Synonyms Asafoetida, Gum Asafoetida, Devil's dung BS It is the oleo-gum resin obtained by incision from the rhizomes and roots of Ferula foetida . Family Umbelliferae CC resin (40 to 65%) gum (20 to 25%) volatile oil (4 to 20%) trisulphides pinene Uses Carminative Stimulant Flavouring agent


Synonyms - BS It consists of dried, as well as fresh fruits of the plant Emblica officinalis Gaerth (Phyllanthus emblica Linn) . Family Euphorbiaceae CC vitamin C fresh pulp fat (0.5%) phyllemblin tannin (5%) Uses It is very helpful in skin disease It prevents premature graying of hairs and dandruff It helpful in improving liver function It helps in lowering cholesterol and blood sugar level Amla find great application in improving eyesight


BS It is the dried ripe seeds of Trachyspermum ammi (L.) Sprague . Family Apiaceae CC Essential oil (2 to 3.5%) protein (17.1%) fat (21.8%) phenol thymol (35 to 60%) carvacrol palmitic petroselinic oleic linoleic Uses Aromatic antiseptic carminative expectorant stimulant Ajowan is widely used as a spice.


Amylum Synonyms Amylum, Starch BS Amylum consists of polysaccharide granules obtained from the grains of Maize Zea mays L. or of rice Oryza sativa L or of wheat Triticum aestivum L. or from the tubers of the potato Solarium tuberosum L. Family Graminae, Solanaceae CC Amylum contains generally a mixture of two polysaccharides, amylopectin (α- amylose) and amylose (β-amylose). Amylopectin it is the main constituent of most of the starches (more than 80%) and is present in outer parts of granules. It contains both strait chained and branched glucose unit. It is insoluble in water and is responsible for gelatinizing property. It gives bluish black colour with iodine solution. Amylose most starches contain 20% amylose. It contains straight chained glucose units and is present in inner parts of granules. It is soluble in water an


Acacia    Synonyms      Gum Arabic, Gum acacia, Babul and Gondu               BS      Dried gummy exudation obtained from the stem and branches of Acacia arabica Wild               Family      Leguminosae              CC      Polysaccharide Arabin, D-galactose, L-arabinose, L-rhamnose,   D-glucoronic acid.             Uses 1. Demulcent. 2. Emulsifying agent. 3. Suspending agent. 4. Binding agent. 5. Used in inflammation of intestinal mucosa. 6. Used to cover inflamed surface such as bums, sore nipples, etc. 7. Used in the manufacture of adhesive and ink.            

Alexandrian Senna

Senna Synonyms Senna lead, senna folium , Cassia senna BS Dried leaflets of Cassia senna (Cassia acutifolia) also known commercially as Alexandrian senna or khartoum senna and Cassia angustifolia, which is commercially known as Tinnevelly senna or Indian senna. Should not be confused with Cassia which is a common name for cinnamon. Family Leguminosae CC 2 Anthraquinones glycosides senna side A Senna side B Senna side C Senna side D Uses purgative gripping effect Cathartic, eases bullousness, clean system of worms

Alsi Oil

Alsi Oil Synonyms Flax seed. fixed oil BS It consists of the dried fully ripe seeds of Linum usitatissimum. Family Liliaceae CC The ripe seeds of linseed contain small quantitites of a cyanogenetic glycosides fixed oil (33-43%) proteins (25%) enzyme called linase Linamarin upon enzytmatic hydrolysis yields HCN which actualy renders the seeds highly poisonous. Uses Therapeutically, the linseed oil is mostly recommended for the external applications only; liiments and lotions. It is employed in the treatment of scabies and other skin disease in combination with pure flowers of sulphur. As the linseed oil has an inherent very high ‘iodine value’ it is used mostly in the preparation of non staining ‘Iodine Ointment’ and several other products such as: ‘Cresol with Soap’. Commercially, it is one o


Aloes Synonyms Aloe, Ghritkumari, Aliyo (Guj.) BS Aloe is the dried juice collected by incision from the bases of the leaves of various species of aloe. Family Liliaceae CC barbaloin β-barbaioin and isobarbaloin. O-glycosides L-rhamnose glucose Uses Aloe and aloin are strong purgative and in higher doses may act as abortifacient. aloe causes griping and is usually combined with carminatives or antispasmodic like belladonna or hyocyamus. sunburns thermal burns, radiation burns, and abrasion skin irritation prevents ulceration malignancy.


Agar Synonyms Agar-agar, Japanese isinglass. BS Agar is the dried gelatinous substance, obtained from: Gelidium amansii Lamouroux, Gelidium cartilagineum Gall, Gelidium pristoides Turn Kiitz, Gelidium conferoides Greville, Pterocladia capillaceae. Family Gelidiaceae, Rhodophyceae (red Algae). CC Carbohydrate- Polysaccharides. Heterogeneous polysaccharides consisting of two components (a) Agarose (70%): neutral galactose polymer. It is free from sulphate. The gel strength of agar is due to this component. Agarose also called as Agarobiose is a disaccharide consisting alternate residues of 1, 4-α-linked. 1, 3-β-D galactose. 3, 6-anhydro-L-galactose. (b) Agaropectin: An acidic sulphonated component where in 1, 3 linked D-galactose and the galactouronic acid (an uronic acid) are partly esterified with sulphuric acid