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Synonyms Semen myristicae, Myristica, Jayfal (guj) BS It is the kernel of the dried ripe seed of Myristica fragrans Houtten . Family Myristicaceae CC Volatile Oil (5 to 15%) myristicin (4 to 8%) elemicine safrol apiole starch amylodextrin saponin Uses carminative aromatic flavouring agent counter-irritant hallucinogen It is useful remedy in controlling diarrhoea associated with certain carcinomas.


Synonyms Nutgrass, Koraikkizhangu BS It is obtained from the tuber or bulbous root, fruit milky juice, leaves and seeds of Cyprus rotandus . Family Cyperaceae CC Cyperone alkaloida calcium camphene limonene kobusone oleic-acid pectin rotundene Uses astringent stimulant diuretic diaphoretic vermifuge treating fevers Nagarmotha plant is used in popular medicine.


Synonyms Semen strychni, Nux-vomica seeds, Kuchla (Hindi), Zer Kachuro (Guj.) BS Nux vomica consists of the dried ripe seeds of Strychnos nux- vomica L. Family Loganiaceae CC Alkaloids (2.5 to 5%): Indole -strychnine and brucine. Miner-Vomicine and pseudo strychnine. Glycoside: Monoterpene glycoside- Loganin. Fixed oil (2 to 4%). Uses Spinal cord stimulant. As a circulatory stimulant. Nerve and sex tonic In cases of neurasthenia (excessive fatigue of neurotic origin). Bitter stomachic (strengthening of stomach and promoting its action).


Synonyms Hin.-Nira, nimb; Mal. – Veppa; Mar. – Limba, Oriya- Nimba; Tam- Vembu. BS Neem consists of the fresh or dried leaves and seed oil of Azadirachta indica J. Juss (Melia Indica or M. azadirachta Linn.). Family Meliaceae CC 1. Leaves: Nimbin, 6- desacetylnimbinene. Quercetin, β-sitosterol. Nimbin, 6- desacetylnimbinene. Nimbin & Nimbidinin Ascorbic acid, n-hexacosanol, nonacosane and amino acid. 2. Fruits: Gedunin 17-epiazadiradione Azadiredione, azadirone, nimbiol. 7-deacetoxy-7α- hydroxygedunin. 3. Seeds: Tetranortriterpenoids; 1, 2-diepoxyazadiradiradione, Azadirachtin 7-acetylneotrichilenone, 7-desacetyl-7-benzoyIgedunin 4. Oils: Fatty acid: Myristic acid, palmitic acid, stearic acid, oleic acid and linoleic acid. Glycerides: Oleopalmitostearin, oleodistearin, odiolein and linoleodiolein. Bitter principle: Nimbidin, nimbidinin, Nimbin, nim