
Synonyms blandish, cajole, coax, sweet-talk, wheedle.
BS Honey is the saccharine liquid prepared from the nectar of the flowers by the hive-bee Apis mellifica and bees of other species of Apis.
Family Apidae
  • Proteins
  • Vitamins
  • Amino acids
  • Colouring matters
  • Dextrin (0.06-1.25%), volatile oil, pollen grains enzymes
  • Honey consists chiefly a mixture of dextrose and laevulose (70-80%) and water (14-20%). contains sucrose (1.2-4.5),
  • Uses
  • Demulcent
  • Mild laxative.
  • As a pill recipients
  • It is a sweetening agent.
  • Honey is used as nutritive.
  • It is used as antiseptic and bactericidal.
  • This is also used as a vehicle in Ayurvedic and Unani preparations.
  • It is used as an important component of linctuses and cough mixtures.
  • Recently, it is used in the preparation of creams, lotions, soft drink and candies also.

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