Cascara Bark

Cascara Bark

Synonyms Cascara Segrada. Sacred Bark, Chittem Bark
BS Cascara segrada is the dried bark of Rhumnus purshiunu DC. It collected at least one year before use.
Family Rhamnaceae
  • C- glycoside comprising Cascaroside-A and B, Cascaroside C and D,
  • Barbaloin and Chrysaloin
  • O-glycosides: Fragula emodin oxathrone glucoside.
  • Homodianthrone of emodin,
  • aloe-emodin and chrysophenol
  • Uses
  • Cathartic (Promoting active movement of bowels).
  • It rectifies the habitual constipation
  • where it is not only act as a laxative
  • but restores natural tone the colon

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