Coca Leaves

Coca Leaves

Synonyms Coca, Folium cocae
BS It consists of the dried leaves of Erythroxylon coca var. coca (Huanco or Bolivian coca) and Erythroxylon coca var. spruceanum (Java, Peruvian, Truxillo).
Family Erythoxylaceae
  • 1 to 1.5% alkaloids cocaine
  • cinnamyl cocaine
  • a and β-truxilline.
  • Coca alkaloids in contrast to alkaloids of hyoscyamine group are derived from pseudotropine.
  • All the alkaloids are derivatives of ecgonine and can be easily hydrolysed. Cocaine is methyl benzoyl ecgonine.
  • Uses
  • local anesthetic
  • Coca leaves are used asumulant,
  • restorative and also in convulsions.
  • Cocaine reduces the sensitive and respiratory depressant effects of morphine and allied drugs, due to CNS stimulant properties.
  • Owing to hallucinogenic and additive effects of cocaine, it has become the drug of abuse and hence, its uses are limited to ophthalmic surgery and surgery of ear, nose and throat.

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