
Synonyms Butea Gum tree, Tesu, Suparni, Paladulu.
BS Palash consists of dried seed, fruit, leaves and flowers of Butea monosperma Lam. (B. frondosa Koenig).
Family Papilionaceae
CC 1. Seed:
  • Fixed oil (Fatty acid: linoleic acid, oleic acid, linolenic acid,
  • Alkaloid (monospermine)
  • Palasonin and palasonin-N- phenyl imide.
  • palmitic acid, stearic acid, arachidic acid, behinic acid and linoceric acid);
    2. Flowers:
  • Butrin, butein,
  • Flavonoids, steroids.
  • Coreopsin,
  • Isocoreopsin,
  • Sulphurein
  • Monospermoside
  • isospermoside
  • chakones and aurones (Bright colour).
    3. Root:
  • Glycine,
  • Glucoside
  • Aromatic compound. Category: Seed: Anthelmintic.
  • Uses 1. Leaves:
  • Arthralgia and haemorrhoids.
  • Colic, worm infestation, inflammations,
  • They are useful in pimples, boils, flatulence,
  • Astringent, anti-inflammatory, anodyne and aphrodisiac.
    2. Flowers:
  • Astringent,
  • hyperdipsia, haemoptysis, arthritis,
  • Aphrodisiac, haemostatic, diuretic, febrifuge,
  • Burning sensation, bone fractures, and are very efficacious in birth control.
  • They are useful in vitiated conditions of pitta and kappa, diarrhoea, haemorrhoids, menorrhagia, strangury, fever, leprosy, skin diseases, swellings,
  • sweet
  • depurative and tonic.
  • cooling constipating.
    3. Seeds:
  • Anthelmintic, rubefacient,
  • Purgative, ophthalmic and tonic.
  • Constipation and diabetes
  • Round worm, arthritis, flatulence,
  • They are useful in herpes, skin diseases, ringworm, and epilepsy,

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