Black Catechu

Black Catechu

Synonyms Catechu, Katha (guj), Peru catechu, Cutch Khadir (sanskrit)
BS It is dried aqueous extract obtained from the heart wood of Acacia catechu.
Family Leguminosae
  • catechin (10 to 15%)
  • tannic acid (7.5 to 35%)
  • acacatechin (2 to 12%)
  • phlobatannin (25 to 35%)
  • Quercitrin
  • Gum (20 to 30%)
  • Uses
  • Astringent
  • It is used in cough and diarrhoea
  • It is used in medicinal preparation
  • It is used in relaxed conditions of throat, mouth and gums

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