Strychnos Nux Vomica

Synonyms Semen strychni, Nux-vomica seeds, Kuchla (Hindi), Zer Kachuro (Guj.)
BS Strychnos Nux vomica consists of the dried ripe seeds of Strychnos nux- vomica L.
Family Loganiaceae
  • Alkaloids (2.5 to 5%): Indole -strychnine and brucine.
  • Miner-Vomicine and pseudo strychnine.
  • Glycoside: Monoterpene glycoside- Loganin.
  • Fixed oil (2 to 4%).
  • Uses
  • Spinal cord stimulant.
  • As a circulatory stimulant.
  • Nerve and sex tonic
  • In cases of neurasthenia (excessive fatigue of neurotic origin).
  • Bitter stomachic (strengthening of stomach and promoting its action).

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