Digitalis Purprea

Synonyms foxgloves, Digitalis, common foxglove, fingers flower, fairy bell, finger-root.
BS Digitalis consists of dried leaves of Digitalis purpurea Linn. After collection leaves are dried immediately at temperature below 60 C and they contain no more than 5% moisture. After drying leaves are stored in moisture proof container.
Family Scrophulariaceae
  • The primary glycosides are purpurea glycosides A and B.
  • It also contains Odoroside H, glucogitaloxin.
  • Verodoxin and glucoverodoxin.
  • The digitoxigenin, Digitoxin, Gitoxigenin, gitaloxin are also important medicinal compounds. They are also called secondary glycosides.
  • They contain anthraquinones derivatives like digitolutin, methoxy-2 methyl anthraquinones, etc
  • Contains saponin, flavonoids.
  • Tannins and pectin.
  • Uses
  • Cardiotonic.
    Used in various forms like tablets or capsules in the treatment of congestive like given below
  • cardiac failure,
  • atrial flutter,
  • trial fibrillation
  • peroxymal atrial tachycardia.
  • Diuretic in cardiac edema.
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