
Synonyms Bengali – sarpagandha; Tamil – Chinanmdpodi; Sans Chhota-chand; Hindi – Chandrika; Bihar- Pagla ki dawa
BS Rauwolfia consists of the dried roots and rhizomes of Rauwolfia serpentina Benth. It contains not less than 0.15% of reserpine.
Family Apocynaceae
  • Alkaloids- Indole alkaloids (1.5 or 3%) present.
  • Weakly basic Indole type (pH 7 to 7.5)
  • Reserpine group – Reserpine, Rescinnamine, deserpidine.
  • Tertiary indoline alkaloids (pH-8). Ajmaline group- Ajmaline and Ajmalicine.
  • Strongly basic anhydronium bases (pH-11).
  • Serpentine group – Serpentine, Serpentinine and Alsotonine.
  • Uses
  • Rauwolfia is used as hypotensive and tranquillizer.
  • Reserpine being the main alkaloid is responsible for the activity and is used in anxiety condition and other neuropsychoiatric diseases.
  • Sedative – calm down activities and excitement (reserpine group).
  • Stimulates the central of peripheral nervous systems (Ajmaline group).
  • The decoction of root is used to increase uterine contraction in difficult cases.
  • The extract is used for intestinal disorders and as anthelmintic bitter tonic and febrifuge.

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