

Synonyms Semen strychni, Nux-vomica seeds, Kuchla (Hindi), Zer Kachuro (Guj.) BS Nux vomica consists of the dried ripe seeds of Strychnos nux- vomica L. Family Loganiaceae CC Alkaloids (2.5 to 5%): Indole -strychnine and brucine. Miner-Vomicine and pseudo strychnine. Glycoside: Monoterpene glycoside- Loganin. Fixed oil (2 to 4%). Uses Spinal cord stimulant. As a circulatory stimulant. Nerve and sex tonic In cases of neurasthenia (excessive fatigue of neurotic origin). Bitter stomachic (strengthening of stomach and promoting its action).


Synonyms Hin.-Nira, nimb; Mal. – Veppa; Mar. – Limba, Oriya- Nimba; Tam- Vembu. BS Neem consists of the fresh or dried leaves and seed oil of Azadirachta indica J. Juss (Melia Indica or M. azadirachta Linn.). Family Meliaceae CC 1. Leaves: Nimbin, 6- desacetylnimbinene. Quercetin, β-sitosterol. Nimbin, 6- desacetylnimbinene. Nimbin & Nimbidinin Ascorbic acid, n-hexacosanol, nonacosane and amino acid. 2. Fruits: Gedunin 17-epiazadiradione Azadiredione, azadirone, nimbiol. 7-deacetoxy-7α- hydroxygedunin. 3. Seeds: Tetranortriterpenoids; 1, 2-diepoxyazadiradiradione, Azadirachtin 7-acetylneotrichilenone, 7-desacetyl-7-benzoyIgedunin 4. Oils: Fatty acid: Myristic acid, palmitic acid, stearic acid, oleic acid and linoleic acid. Glycerides: Oleopalmitostearin, oleodistearin, odiolein and linoleodiolein. Bitter principle: Nimbidin, nimbidinin, Nimbin, nim

Guar Gum

Synonyms Cyamopsis psoraloides, Handi- Gower; Sans. Bakuch; Tam. Kothaveray; tel-Gorchikunda. BS Guar gum obtained from the refined endosperm of the seeds of Cyamopsis tetragonolobus L. Taub. Family Leguminosae CC Carbohydrate Small quantity of protein. Gum- Guaran, the water soluble portion of the gum and yields on hydrolysis galactose 35% and mannose 60-65%. Uses In bulk laxatives. Protective colloids As appetite depressant. It is used in peptic ulcer therapy. It is a good emulsion stabilizer. Used as binding agent and disintegrating agent in tablet formulations. It is also reduces blood glucose concentration in diabetic patients and serum concentration in hyper lipidaemia.

Orange Peel

Orange Peel Synonyms Orange cortex BS Orange peel is dried or fresh outer part of the pericarp of the ripe or nearly ripe fruits or Citrus aurantium Linn. Family Rutaceae CC Volatile oil (2.5%) Hesperidin hesperidin iso-hesperidin neohesperidin Vitamin C pectin Uses Stomachic aromatic carminative flavouring agent


Synonyms Gentian root, Yellow gentian root, Bitter root, Kutaki and Karu BS Gentian consists of the dried rhizome and root of Gentian lutea L. Family Gentianaceae CC Tannins Gentisic acid. Alkaloids: Gentianine. Sugar: Gentiobiose and gentianose. Bitter principle: Gentiopicrin, Amaragentin. Xanthine derivatives: Gentisin, Gentioside. Pectin and calcium oxalate Uses Anorexia. Dyspepsia. Bitter tonic. Stomachic for increasing appetite and to cure debility.


Synonyms Lehsun, Rasun, Belluli, Vallaippundu BS consists of the fresh compound bulb of Allium sativum Linn. Family Liliaceae. CC Essential oil: (i) Alliin, a sulphur containing amino acid. (ii) Allicin- allyl sulphide. (iii) Polysulphide responsible for the unpleasant smell of the oil Vitamins: A, B, C and D Allyl propyl disulphide. Minerals: Calcium, Iron and Zinc Fatty acid, mucilage and albumin. Amino acid: Leucine, methionine, S-methyl cysteine, S-allyl cysteine. Uses Tonic Diuretic Analgesic Stimulant Antibacterial Anticonvulsant Aphrodisiac Piles and duodenal ulcer. Treatment of epilepsy. Reduce blood sugar level. Chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma. Oil of garlic is used as an insecticide. l Used in hypertension and atherosclerosis (thickening of arterial wall). Carminative, gastric stimulant and aids in digestion and absorpti

Olive Oil

Synonyms Oleum olivae, Sweet oil, Salad oil. BS Olive oil is a fixed oil obtained by expression from pericarp of the ripe fruits of Olea europoea. Family Oleaceae CC Glycerides of oleic acid, Palmitic acid, stearic acid, linoleic acid, arachidic acid. Uses Olive oil has demulcent, emollient and laxative properties. It is used as a vehicle for oily parenteral preparations. It is also used in the preparation of lubricants, plasters, textiles, soaps, cosmetics and sulphonated oil.